i. Perform functions relating to Quality Assurance, Service Delivery and Transparency among others;
ii. Constantly monitor and ensure that the University's academic and administrative structures are established and maintained within the required academic and professional standards;
iii. Ascertain and monitor the extent of the University's compliance with the NUC's directive on the Quality Assurance and ensuring quality and professionalism in University administration.
iv. Developed and keep in constant review processes and benchmarks for assessing and upgrading quality in teaching, research and management of University affairs;
v. Coordinate the activities of the Quality Assurance Committee in the Schools, Departments and Units
vi. Facilitate capacity building within the University to ensure quality enhancement activities in all academic, administrative, and professional departments and units;
vii. Conduct a self-evaluation exercise with particular reference to issues relating to the Vision, Mission of each particular department and the university as a whole;
viii. Develop and keep in constant review strategies to respond to quality assurance pressure and identify specific strategies internationalization and competitiveness of the University's products;
ix. Develop and keep in constant review institutional monitoring and evaluation plans;
x. Constantly assess academic research projects in relation to the level of funding
xi. Conduct periodic survey for assessment of frameworks.......
xii. Liaise with Units, Departments, Schools, and boards of Studies to devise different mechanisms and strategies to ensure quality aimed at satisfying the society, Government, and industries.
xiii. Put in place necessary guides and structures to ensure that every arm of the university attain high standards always
xiv Handle all other issues relating to high quality standards in the university;
xv. Forward periodic report on its activities and other recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor on regular basis.